2012年10月4日 星期四


沒有想過要寫這個題目..為何都是那麼突然..為何總是臨出外遠行之前..給我措手不及..! 一件不幸的海上交通意外..我衹當自己是路人甲..沒有太多掙扎..直到今早收到whatsapp..一切都事與願違了.. 工作上關係認識了Jennifer已有多年..但她就像看著我入行的姐姐..她很樂於助人..好nice..又有耐性..又可靠..由於工作需要..有時給她聯絡..協助我們處理一些客戶問題.. 尤記得她應該是懷著大女兒時..我們還一起同client開會..跟她雖不是很深交..多年來見面不太頻密..但每次見到都很親切. . . 可是..她跟大女兒都逃不過今次南丫島撞船悲劇..小女兒還在深切病房中. . . 我忽然覺得好迷惘..我應該唔開心? 珍惜眼前(人)? 及時行樂? 樂觀看開一點? 我突然覺得不知要用甚麼心情去面對明天 !? 好lost... 好想給她寫一封信... ___________________________________________________ Dear Jennifer, It was so sad that we have to say goodbye in such a tragic way. You have been a very kind person to all of us. Your cheerfulness, great help, patience, dedication and attitude have inspired me particularly what good service manner could be. We don't meet very often. Although every time I call you it was mostly client issues, you always give us explanation, confidence and satisfaction. I feel extremely sorry about this tragedy of yours. I can't find any reason for this and I am just kind of lost. I owe you a big hug but I realize that now there is nothing I can do. The least I can so is to write you this as my tribute and my condolence to you and to your family. Wherever you are now, I hope you would know that we all miss you very much. From your friend on earth! Paul

